My boss was telling me about these blogs...so I thought I would start one for Joel and I. First of all, Joel has been sick all night!! I feel so bad because I'm at work and can't be there to take care of him,but thats how it is :). Outside of our jobs, We've been working constantly fixing up the old house and May will be here in no time!! It'll all work out though. Secondly, We have been swamped at work today (its the 1st...everyones Medicaid punches start over). Boy, what a day.
Well anyways to Joel...I hope he and his mom are careful...its pouring outside. Joel was going to try to make it to one class in Booneville today with his mom driving and then go to the Doc. Guess we'll see the verdict on him later today....(pray..he feels sooo bad)
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