A wise person once said, "Don't worry about getting through the storm-learn how to dance in the rain." I just love that quote...I love rain in general...even though it makes me sleepy usually...so I appreciate that quote I think more than some would. This past weekend, Joel and I went and saw the movie Fireproof...it was beyond awesome...it really makes you appreciate and even look at your marriage differently. I told Joel I would love to purchase it and us take at least one night a month and watch it. Everythings moving along with the house...one day it will be done and I will think it happened fast but right now its just completely unfinished. Continue to pray for Ginger her surgery is Thurs. Morning and today is Torrie's Birthday so wish her a good one. And remember thank God for the rain(both kinds).
As Always,
Joel and Victoria
Joel and Victoria
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