Today the weather is pretty good...just alittle higher of a temp. than I like. Work hasn't been as busy as some Fridays, but still kind of steady. On another note, Joel and I are doing good. No vet bills this week or any hospital bills for us so we're really blessed. The house is going pretty good...not as fast as I'd like but with us both working to a later hour every night its hard to get caught up. Today has been a hard day for me personally but I know its all in the Lords hands. I just wish I could make everyone happy but if your doing that then your not doing something right. Anyways, church is going good..I can't wait til' Braxton can start going. Doctor orders...he has to stay in for a couple weeks.....since he was early. The puppies are doing good....their growing ans adorable. Later on, I have to do the delivery runs....I never know for sure how many I have before I leave because some come at the last minute and some nursing homes don't know they need something til' after I get back. I like doing deliveries...I feel like I'm helping some people....some people can get out and just don't want to but some can't get out at all. Joel and I got some more Netflix movies in and we're Lord willin' going to watch one together tonight. So...we hope you have a great rest of the day and keep in mind (and remind me when I need it) all things will work out! Romans 8:28(went alittle fast ignore my typos please)
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