Today is Friday and has been a good day...I'm glad that it is too. : p Work hasn't been too busy but the traffic sure has outside.! Good night! Its like the president is standing outside passing out something free or something. Joel and I are great...we might do the second coat on the livingroom walls Saturday afternoon after work. We now have 3 new puppies...Montana, Rufus, and Brady (girl and 2 boys) but Joel says not to pet them a lot because they aren't going to be out pets...they will be hunting dogs. They are part Fiest and Bloodhound...and are adorable. They woke wide awake at 5:45 this morning crying for milk..their so sweet.....their mom passed away and Mel that works with me needed to get rid of all nine puppies so we took some. The puppies are only 4 weeks old and I think this will be a fun adventure...lol. I'll have to remember not to pet them a lot cause I sure do want to baby them! : p Mrs. Marthas husband Jerel is geting us 4 new doors for the house...he has plenty of extra doors(one for bathroom, 2 bedrooms, and the front door)...he is also building us a shelf to go above washer and dryer and also above bathtub(considering its one of the old ones with legs and theres nowhere to sit your bath stuff) these things are really going to improve the house...I'm so thankful and excited!!! Well I think this is all I have time for... have a great day everyone.
1 comment:
I love reading your blog! It's so great so see how you and Joel are fixing up an older house and enjoying every minute of being together. So many young couples think they have to have everything brand new and then end up way in debt just starting out. You will have such precious memories of your first weeks and months together to look back on when you get old and gray like me! ha
Lots of love,
Mrs. Marilyn
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