Friday, August 29, 2008


Today has been a great Friday. I have got everything caught up on the house and have packed to leave for Alabama. I had to get Joels church clothes for Sunday ironed and everything done that would need to be done before I get back on Sunday afternoon so I've had to think ahead all day. I'm real excited about going to the youth conference-I think we'll have a great time. I've got Darla and the puppies doing well and so are the horses and chickens too(and anything else we may have :).. ). Lifes going well for Joel and I...happy as ever. I think I'll be fired up since I'll be at that this weekend and our Revival at our church starts Sunday night-Wednesday night. Maybe it won't rain too much...and if it does it'll be alright...I heard that it was suppost to. Well catch you guys later!God Bless!

As Always,
Joel and Victoria

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Yesterday was great...I have started getting out of work on Wednesday at 1 pm. I got soooo much done at the house and much was well overdue. Joel and I are great and everythings good. Sorry so short!!

As Always,
Joel and Victoria

Wednesday, August 20, 2008 birthday

Today has been a good day. Not to busy at work and we got rain that we need. I am 20 years old today and I think this has been the best birthday for me. My coworkers bought me lunch and balloons with the cutest ceramic puppy. Joel, me, ginger, and lance are suppost to go eat at Olive Garden and go shopping for my b-day this Sat. night. I'm excited simply because he thought about it and I really haven't bought clothes in forever-which I really need some. Everything is going great including Joel and I. I hope that you have a great day too.

As Always,
Joel and Victoria

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Today was Sunday and we had a great day at church. We had service, a fellowship, and then another service and went home. We do it that way on occasions. It was our pastor's wifes birthday and their anniversary. He had a great message on marriage after the was just great for all of us. Suppers hopefully going to be good..I have marinated tenderloins all night wrapped in bacon and I plan to do a angel food cake with strawberry glaze that I have had making overnight as well in the fridge. No for sure of anything else really. Joel and I are doing great and we got one piece of trim up in the livingroom and it looks good too. I am so excited about our house....I hate that everything is going so slow but it has and will definetly pay off. Hope all of you have a great rest of the day.

As Always,
Joel and Victoria

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Rain, rain, and more rain....its been real wet today and its still raining which means I get sleepy,lol. Work is going good...our computer has messed up and we're having to write everything but the good thing is that we haven't been too busy. The puppies are sooo big!! We have officially took them off drinking milk. Joel and I got the 2nd coat of paint on the livingroom walls so now its off to the trim work. We're both doing better than ever and Sept.22nd will be our 6 month blows my mind. Anyways gotta head out now...toodle loos for now.

As Always,
Joel and Victoria

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Today is Tuesday and was garbage day! I actually love garbage day for the gets taken out. Plus, more so this time because I had cleaned out our room that has boxes and much as I could. Well, last night we officially got a new Air is huge! It has a handy remote and cools the house in no time...I hate we had to spend the money with all we have in the fire right now but Joel thought we needed it ...he knows I'm sure we'll put it to use for many years hopefully.Darla and our baby hunting dogs are getting so big!! I'll have to get a picture on here. Toodle loos!!
As Always,
Joel and Victoria

Monday, August 4, 2008


Friday I had to leave work...and go to doctor. The fever part is leaving me though(which was my biggest problem)...I think its just something that has to do what its going to do and leave on its own...nothing I do seems to help. I have stayed faithful to the sinus works(just feels weird...something up your nose)! I'm so thankful that the fever gone!!! I pretty much was in a "rabbit hole" all weekend...On another note, Bessies wedding went well. I'm glad for her. And on Joel's side....his parents got a new vehicle...Nissan Versa...great gas mileage....I'm glad for them too. Today is steady at work but not bad. I can't wait til' I'm much better so I can hold lil' Braxton...can't be around him right now... :( Well have a great day!! God Bless!

As Always,
Joel and Victoria